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> INSETTING, AIRPORTS, SAF, CORSIA, & ETS - June 2023 Newsletter

INSETTING, AIRPORTS, SAF, CORSIA, & ETS - June 2023 Newsletter


France's biofuel blending mandate: Driving sustainable aviation fuels adoption

France has introduced a biofuel blending mandate for commercial aviation, aiming to increase the use of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This article explores the key details of the mandate and its implications for the aviation industry.

Japan mandates sustainable fuel for overseas flights: A bold step towards carbon neutrality

Japan has introduced a new regulation mandating airlines to use sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) on certain international routes departing from the country. This bold move aligns with Japan's commitment to achieve carbon neutrality and contribute to global efforts to combat climate change.

Insetting for sustainability: Driving change with sustainable aviation fuels and carbon markets

Insetting is an innovative approach that combines the use of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) with carbon offsetting through carbon markets. This article explores how insetting can drive positive change in the aviation industry, reducing emissions and contributing to sustainability goals.

UK & Swiss ETS: Important update - inclusion of flights in emissions trading schemes

The UK and Switzerland have made an important update to their emissions trading schemes (ETS) by including aviation. This article discusses the implications of this update and how it aligns with the global efforts to reduce aviation emissions.

Important updates to CORSIA after ICAO's 41st General Assembly

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) made significant updates to the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) during its 41st General Assembly. This article highlights the key updates and their implications for the aviation industry.

Airport Carbon Accreditation: Latest updates

Airport Carbon Accreditation is a global program that provides a framework for airports to manage and reduce their carbon emissions. This article discusses the latest updates to the program and highlights the importance of airport sustainability.

Fit for 55: Approved, published, and simplified

The Fit for 55 package is a comprehensive set of legislative proposals by the European Commission to achieve the European Union's climate targets. This article provides an overview of the package, its key components, and its implications for the aviation industry.

REFUEL EU Aviation Regulation: Advancing sustainable aviation fuels in the EU

The REFUEL EU Aviation regulation aims to promote and increase the use of sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) in the European Union. This article provides an overview of the key provisions and goals of the regulation and its significance for the aviation industry.

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